


1/吴兴华:A Space Odyssey 冯睎乾

吴兴华(1921——1966)学贯中西、博通文史的诗人、学者、翻译家。少年时即有神童之誉。16岁考入燕京大学。再燕京大学就学期间,他的语言和文学天才就开始引人注目。他的英藉导师谢迪克(Harold Shedick)教授在48年后追忆说,吴兴华“是我在燕京教过的学生中才华最高的一位,足以和我在康奈尔大学教过的学生、文学批评家哈罗德·布鲁姆(耶鲁大学教授、英语文学批评巨擘)相匹敌”。

2 留言:

匿名 說...

This gentleman should have left China in 1949 after the Communist came to power. Mr. Ng's encounter is lamentable but to some extent is attributed to his naive patriotism to motherland.

匿名 說...

Do you think that it is so simple as pack up and leave at will?

One problem was that Mr. Ng had tuberculosis before. The United States of America government demanded people to submit to X-ray to prove that they don't have TB. Mr. Ng would have been rejected immediately.

Could he have gone to Taiwan with the evacuation of the Chiang Kai-shek government? Who was Mr. Ng? What connections did he have? Why would they make a seat available on the ship? Get real! Also, it would have been a huge risk. In the 1950's, it seemed to be a matter of time before Taiwan would be 'liberated.' Would you bet everything with the KMT which lost mainland in spite of American support?