Y.T. 在《皇后之戰的教訓》中提到:
It may be untimely to ask this question, but it seems that few supporters of heritage preservation have ever asked it seriously. I mean: Why are we suddenly so enthusiastic about heritage preservation, in particular the preservation of tangible heritage, while at the same time history, and the sense of it, becomes increasingly detached from the social world of ordinary citizens? People in the 50s, 60s, perhaps even the 70s needed no heritage preservation, because they felt strongly the link with the past: in the present the past lived. To demolish an old building was, for them, no disruption of the continuity of tradition; for tradition was no sterile thing: it welcomed, and ought to welcome, creative destruction.
Ever since what time, shall we not wonder, has our city, or the whole modern world indeed, become so attached to the notion that every act of destruction must be disruptive, and that tradition--if there be still such a thing--msut be so weak and so brittle that it needs a bandage at every turn and twist?
It often occurs to me very ironic that China, a civilization which is not unknown for its deep sense of history, has not, until very recent times, preserved the said sense by preserving tangible objects; in history books, in literary creations, in popular plays, in communcal festivities and daily allusions: in all this the past lives. No museum is necessary to preserve an armoured corpse.
It is often said, nowadays, that by preserving tangible heritage the next generation would know more about the past of HK; I doubt it. The UK has probably endeavoured not a little to preserve its tangible heritage; and there stands also the long honourable history of a BBC commissioned to educate the Britons about their country and their past. Then what? No less a historian than N. Ferguson has warned that, on go the current history curriculum, and the next generation of Britons would likely know as much history as only the names of Henry and Hitler.
This, I concede, is not to establish a presumption for the uselessness or meaninglessness of preserving tangible heritage; it should, nevertheless, invite some thinking as to whether the opposite presumption be not less promising than it seems to be. Queen's Pier has commanded the Victoria Harbour for many years; has its presence shaped the identity of the HK populace, their idea of this place and their vision about the future, a little?
1.It often occurs to me very ironic that China, a civilization which is not unknown for its deep sense of history, has not, until very recent times, preserved the said sense by preserving tangible objects; in history books, in literary creations, in popular plays, in communcal festivities and daily allusions: in all this the past lives.
所謂歷史感,我會定義為對自身歷史文化的認知、對傳統(特別是最富內在價值那部分)的承擔,和對身份一貫性的維護。一國之載籍或風俗保存了歷史痕跡並不為奇,但似乎不能立即據此便斷定中國文化有歷史感。如果說猶太人有deep sense of history,我會完全同意;但中國文化由春秋晚期開始,道術分裂,散於天下,官學傳統一斷,已難言富歷史感。戰國時趙武靈王效胡服,已變中國衣冠之制;雅樂漸次失傳,乃代之以胡樂;舉凡語言、禮俗、器具、宮室等,無論有形無形,可謂無一不變,無時不變,劉師培就寫過一篇文,名字觸目驚心,叫《論中國並不保存國粹》,可以參看。我只能說,中國最富歷史感的時代,到東周而止,因為之後已沒有人理會原始中國文化中那種循環和「歸根」的哲學涵義,而不明白這種原始哲學(我認為正是中國文化精髓所在),原來充沛的歷史感便失去創造力,而淪為罪該萬死的迂腐和守舊了。
總的來說,我不認為中國文化(至少在周代以後)特別富歷史感,但我會認為,"People in the 50s, 60s, perhaps even the 70s"未必有今天保育青年的所謂"身份危機感",所以那年代的人亦不會覺得自己的"回憶"需要貼身保護吧?而最有趣的問題是,假如青年從沒有聽過"身份危機"、"解殖"這類詞彙,他們又會如何思考呢?他們是真正的思考過?還是按照現成詞語作句?我會比較關注這問題多一點點。
2. Why are we suddenly so enthusiastic about heritage preservation, in particular the preservation of tangible heritage, while at the same time history, and the sense of it, becomes increasingly detached from the social world of ordinary citizens?
我不大認為抗議人士是enthusiastic about heritage preservation,在我日常接觸的香港人當中,我也沒遇過。當然,我的主觀感覺不值一提,且讓我們看看保育青年自己的話:
回到皇后此一歷任港督舉行登岸儀式的「殖民地標」,我們不告別,是因為殖民地威權作風並未隨九七回歸而遠去,那些「不民主的政治體制」、「虛情假意的諮詢制度」和「漠視本土人民生活的城市規劃模式」等殖民遺產,已悄悄地「過戶」予「回歸後特府」。換言之,就像波蘭人記憶納粹主義的目的一樣,記憶皇后也是為了抗拒殖民主義於我城借屍還魂,更進一步,就是要在回歸後開展一場遲來的解殖運動。(陳景輝﹕為何不告別? 一個皇后碼頭守衛者的自白)
Y.T.,根本一直講sense of history的,就只有你一個吧?但很遺憾,他們覺得重要的,是偉大的「解殖運動」,要認真討論文化歷史?小心
巴迪烏借屍還魂啊!你問:Queen's Pier has commanded the Victoria Harbour for many years; has its presence shaped the identity of the HK populace, their idea of this place and their vision about the future, a little?我不排除有人會這樣想,既然大家有信仰自由,我無法不尊重。
