Hi, I have studied law in Australia... I will not say I have a good answer, nor do I have the right answer... but here goes my views: =========== The Victim =========== In the current HK scandal, the victims are high profile celebrities. They never admitted it was their picture. In fact they denied it was them. They say these pictures had been modified. Whether they are telling the truth or not, they are very much a victim indeed. In case the pictures are fake, some people may think they are lesser of a victim. In actual fact, no matter whether the pictures are real or fake, they are really a "celebrity" victim, which adds the high profile taste to the entire scandal. The important thing to note is, these celebrities never WANTED, EXPECTED or CONSENTED TO having these pictures shown on the internet (I think).
As with "non-celebrity" victims, for example, it may well be that even if they had pictures taken... They are too shameful or scared to report it to the police. Even if they do... the police may not do much about it... They may end up learning a lesson about not having these sorts of pictures being taken...
So the short answer is... Firstly, the police cannot do much until someone complaint... and if no one comaplaint... then 法律面前,窮人含撚 cannot apply...
In the current scandal, I believe, the celebrities or the entertainment industry is certainly complaining...
================ 法律面前,窮人含撚 ================ Given the current investigation is about criminal law... I will confine this part of the answer to the criminal law
This is my first time hearing this phrase (法律面前,窮人含撚)... I do find it funny, in some ways I admit, unfortunately, I agree... When we say "Everyone is equal before the law" in the criminal law context, this USUALLY applies to the accused...
We say one party has close to unlimited resources (i.e. that government) and the accused is usually a civilian (sometimes rich, sometimes poor)...
What you can see is... when you say (法律面前,窮人含撚), you seem to be referring to the victim of the obscene picture scandal and not the accused...
I am not saying this is a wrong saying... I only wish to clarify one thing... whether you are rich or poor, you can still be a subject of an unjust event...
The law enforcement can only do so much... I am sure they are hardworking people... They can only do all they can... Place trust in this system... No systems are perfect... but everyone can try...
4 留言:
Hi, I have studied law in Australia... I will not say I have a good answer, nor do I have the right answer... but here goes my views:
The Victim
In the current HK scandal, the victims are high profile celebrities. They never admitted it was their picture. In fact they denied it was them. They say these pictures had been modified. Whether they are telling the truth or not, they are very much a victim indeed. In case the pictures are fake, some people may think they are lesser of a victim. In actual fact, no matter whether the pictures are real or fake, they are really a "celebrity" victim, which adds the high profile taste to the entire scandal. The important thing to note is, these celebrities never WANTED, EXPECTED or CONSENTED TO having these pictures shown on the internet (I think).
As with "non-celebrity" victims, for example, it may well be that even if they had pictures taken... They are too shameful or scared to report it to the police. Even if they do... the police may not do much about it... They may end up learning a lesson about not having these sorts of pictures being taken...
So the short answer is... Firstly, the police cannot do much until someone complaint... and if no one comaplaint... then 法律面前,窮人含撚 cannot apply...
In the current scandal, I believe, the celebrities or the entertainment industry is certainly complaining...
Given the current investigation is about criminal law... I will confine this part of the answer to the criminal law
This is my first time hearing this phrase (法律面前,窮人含撚)... I do find it funny, in some ways I admit, unfortunately, I agree... When we say "Everyone is equal before the law" in the criminal law context, this USUALLY applies to the accused...
We say one party has close to unlimited resources (i.e. that government) and the accused is usually a civilian (sometimes rich, sometimes poor)...
What you can see is... when you say (法律面前,窮人含撚), you seem to be referring to the victim of the obscene picture scandal and not the accused...
I am not saying this is a wrong saying... I only wish to clarify one thing... whether you are rich or poor, you can still be a subject of an unjust event...
The law enforcement can only do so much... I am sure they are hardworking people... They can only do all they can... Place trust in this system... No systems are perfect... but everyone can try...
【本報訊】中年汽車商人去年透過友人認識一名未成年女童,其後經她介紹結識另兩名女童,商人疑先後與三名女童在土瓜灣一單位內多次性交,並拍下錄影帶,事後給予千元報酬。他昨日在九龍城裁判法院被控與16 歲以下兒童非法性交,及作出嚴重猥褻行為等 16 項罪名,案件押後至 2 月 12 日轉解區域法院審理 。
控方續指,由於案情十分嚴重,涉及三名未成年女童,故要求加重被告的保釋條件,阻止他干擾本案證人,辯方亦願意將保釋金由1萬元增至4萬元,主任裁判官練錦鴻最後准許被告以現金及人事合共 10萬元保釋外出,但不可直接或間接接觸控方證人。
但我想知,如果貼咸相/link 係犯法o既話,點解一定要有人投訴先做o野?(根據「警方早前曾指網上討論區的色情資訊泛濫,考慮檢控張貼色情資訊的網友。」一句,警方又唔係唔知香港有成人討論區)