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古猶太眾先知均相信在自然界中潛藏著無處不在的神性,在靜修時觀照萬物從中了悟真理,《以賽亞書》 6:3 的「祂的榮光充滿全地」就是指「神在全地」,在《耶利米書》23:24 神亦曾申述「我豈不充滿天地麼」。猶太解經書《米大示》提出了「神就是宇宙的棲息所,宇宙卻不是神的棲息所」之說,第一世紀猶太哲學家斐羅 (Philo of Alexandria) 則如此詮釋《創世記》28:11 :「神被稱為『地方』(ha Makom) ,基於祂囊括著整個宇宙,然而祂卻不被任何事物所囊括」,兩種說法皆表明了神屬性的兩層面,臨在的神性(智慧)既在萬物中,超越的神性(不可知之源)同時卻凌駕於一切,這就是猶太教中最常見的神觀 — 「萬有在神論」 (Panentheism) 。

在十六世紀猶太秘學宗師拉比以撒路利亞 (Isaac Luria) 教授的宇宙觀中,太初的萬有本源「無量」(Ein Sof) 在其自身的無限中緊縮成「混沌界」(Olam ha Tohu) ,即《創世記》1:2 的「地是空虛混沌」,讓阿當卡蒙的神光進入其中。然而,此混沌界只能單向接收神光卻不能讓神光作對流去釋放,混沌界超出其可容量繼而粉碎落散,神光碎片自此落入下界成為了萬物內在的「神性星火」 (Nitzotzot) ,為「神的靈運行在水面上」《創 1:2》之際,當中「運行」 (Merachefet, M-R-Ch-P-T) 一字被解讀作「 288 顆神性星火的消逝」(R-P-Ch M-T) 。288 等同於「花」 (Perach, P-R-Ch) ,「 288 顆神性星火」就是太初宇宙一花之原貌,其名字為「爾洛亞」(Eloah,「神」 (Elohim) 一字之單數,女性),即分辨善惡樹,一如靈知派視分辨善惡樹為蘇菲亞祖貽之化身。地上的活物及死物內裡各自均有著此「 288 顆神性星火」,就像阿當卡蒙有著神的完整形像,十八世紀哈西德正統派猶太教創始人拉比以色列.本.以利以謝 (Yisroel ben Eliezer) 就此解說:


因此,解放萬物當中的神性星火就成了猶太秘學及哈西德正統派猶太教的刻心教導,此救贖過程稱為「修好世界」 (Tikkun ha Olam) 。「修好世界」的方法就是眾人靠著行善、行義、守律、禱告和默觀各種修行方法達至一心不亂的定境 (Kavanah) ,此「定」就是解放周遭困在萬物中的神性星火之鑰匙,集合祂們以還原太初阿當卡蒙宇宙一體的圓滿狀態(所謂的「彌賽亞」來臨之真義),亦是臨在的神性(智慧)和超越的神性(不可知之源)進行聖婚重新結合之時。猶太教中特別提及了在人道方法下殺生作食用以盡量減少動物所承受的痛苦,並且不浪費食物,這樣尊重生命的態度亦是「修好世界」的方法之一,簡而言之,「修好世界」就是對我們周遭環境的愛惜和對人事的關懷。有別於其他宗教的救贖觀,「修好世界」乃關乎整個宇宙的進程,靠著人們生生世世輪轉 (Gilgul ha Neshamot) 中持續進行,是漸進和漫長的,此救贖之目的亦不是為著個人得救或永生之樂,而是為著成就最終萬有歸一的普世救贖,是人類與生俱來共同分享著的義務。

不少學者相信上述猶太秘學中「神性星火」之說乃是源於靈知派。靈知派相信至高不可知的一源在太初萌生一念而成了智慧的蘇菲亞 / 芭碧羅 (Barbelo),接著此神性智慧之部份不自覺地落入混沌中衍生了物質世界,懵然不知的把自己困在其中,從而成為了萬物中的神性星火,與拉比以撒路利亞的宇宙觀可是異曲同工。原來高處的智慧見狀便作為光進入黑暗的下界喚醒沉睡在當中的神性星火,打碎物質的枷鎖解放祂們,好讓祂們能復歸予其本源 ― 芭碧羅及其上之不可知的一源。《拿戈瑪第古本》的《首意念之三形》中芭碧羅在神性啟示中就以「我就是萬有」和「就在萬有之內」表明了自己為萬物中的神性星火,無處不在的源動力:

這樣,芭碧羅既是太初創造萬物及落入其中的神性智慧,亦是後來為著解放與她本同質的同胞們再次降臨物質世界的救贖之光。耶穌在《多馬福音》77 中則作出了與上述芭碧羅同出一轍的宣告:

這裡基督宣稱萬有乃是自祂而出,自己就在萬物中,同時亦一如芭碧羅所說指自己是「照亮萬有的光」,換言之,祂把自己完全等同為太初與不可知和超越的神性同在之道(智慧的交替) ― 芭碧羅,即無處不在的臨在神性,在《拿戈瑪第古本》的《約翰秘傳之書》中祂亦指自己曾一如芭碧羅般三次降臨下界,以示自己即芭碧羅。《約翰福音》的作者必然理解此關連,這樣他才會以「太初有道,道與神同在 ...... 萬物是藉著祂造的」作開端,在 8:12 引述 「我是世界的光」及 1:9 以第三身覆述的真光「照亮一切生在世上的人」就是分拆自一更早的褔音語錄 ― 基督在《多馬福音》77 第一身直述的「我是照亮萬有的光」。如此基督作為臨在神性的全部並在萬物中之說可見於正典《歌羅西書》 3:11 「惟有基督是一切,又在一切之內」及《歌林多前書》15:28 籍著基督的歸服「叫神作萬有中的一切」。同自《拿戈瑪第古本》的《西拉之教導》有著媲美《約翰福音》的「基督論」,一如《多馬福音》77 指基督作為照亮萬有的光及是一切,那是住在萬有裡面的無形基督 :

在《多馬福音》77 中基督除了指萬有是自祂而出且自己在萬物中外,祂同時說到一切最終將「復歸予我」,這亦是芭碧羅多次降臨喚醒世人之最終目的,在《首意念之三形》中她將集合原已落散神性星火使之歸復予太初獨一之形:
[一切將歸復予] 無法估量之 [寂靜] 中的 [無法參透之意念],

這樣說,太初獨一之形既是基督,同時亦是芭碧羅,兩者皆為猶太秘學中宇宙一體完美人阿當卡蒙的交替稱呼。在教父伊皮法紐 (Epiphanius of Salamis) 作品引用的不明《腓力福音》段落中,基督教授門徒以此回答天門阻撓者:「我已知悉自己,我亦已從各處集合我自己」,此「自己」就是指無處不在和就在萬有中的臨在的神性,一如耶穌覺知自己本自芭碧羅,了悟萬有皆一體、眾生本無異之理,作為智慧去集合其他困在萬物中智慧,靠著個人內在小宇宙的自性覺醒從而成就大宇宙中萬有歸一的美景,這就是「靈知」 (Gnosis) 。

如此萬有最終歸復至太初的獨一狀態在斯多葛派、中柏拉圖主義及早期基督教稱為「修復」 (Apocatastasis) ,此字曾出現在《使徒行傳》3:21:「天必留祂,等到萬物『修復』的時候」。影響著古今整個基督教的第二世紀教父俄利根 (Origen) 以此字作為世人最終一同修復至一如太初與神同在之說,他主張世人在太初有著一先存完美的屬靈狀態,並稱之為「意念」,此「意念」為一嚐自立而離開了至善的神,落入物質界減卻了神性,甚至化為動植物。本著自由意志的法則,神沒有強迫「意念」重返其中,反之,神造出了宇宙作為世人和萬物的靈修場所,讓他們在裡面生生世世地磨練和經歷而逐層提昇,最終得以歸復其永恆中,而基督就是作為此修復過程中世人的典範。基於最終的歸復是完美無缺的,此說亦同時推翻了永死和地獄存在的可能性。俄利根之說既有著睿智派中首意念芭碧羅作為不可知者在太初的伴侶散落下界並將在最終重返其懷抱之影子,與猶太教的「修好世界」中世人透過輪迴轉世而達至最終眾生皆得救的說法更是同出一轍。「修復論」在第四至五世紀的教會中相當普及,教父貴格利 (Gregory of Nyssa) 、塔爾索的狄奧多 (Diodore of Tarsus) 及摩普綏提亞的狄奧多 (Theodore of Mopsuestia) 均曾公開教授此說,直到 400 年後第六世紀的羅馬王查士丁尼一世方籍著君士坦丁堡第二屆大公會議將俄利根的「修復論」定性為異端學說。近代基督教中則有浸信會的前身「重洗派」 (Anabaptism) 、「貴格會」 (Quaker) 、 「普救派」 (Univeralism) 及俗稱「摩門教」的「耶穌基督後期聖徒教會」持類近俄利根「修復論」的救贖觀。


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這齣 Reclaim Your Brain 講一個改變人們看電視習慣的故事,同時也講了一些如何改變世界的小貼士。如果你想做點事令這個世界美好一點,不妨看看這齣戲。

tip #1:要靜靜地改變

發起改變收視的主角,原本是電視台製作人,他受了刺激忽然想改變電視台製作低能節目的現實。他立即想到製一個比較 intellectual 的時事節目作抗衡,但收視立刻插水,上司責問他,於是他搬了一堆革命、文化理論,他的上司當然當佢痴 x 咗,無炒佢都算係咁。

如果你要跟「敵人」正面交鋒硬碰硬,高調地要跟他們死過,可以好肯定結果都係你收檔的多。有心要改變世界的話,就要好像戲裏後半部份那樣,無聲地出蠱惑,神不知鬼不覺找出敵人弱點,契而不捨專心對付(就係 hack 入收集收視 data 的系統改 data)。

tip #2:一視同仁

原本是電視台製作人的主角,在商業社會混了十年,有幾十人聽他指點。到他成立改動收視 data 的秘密組識,他當那些組識成員是他的手下,有成員闖了禍,要花很多錢,主角不想救他。其他成員因此不滿而停工。最終主角被迫花掉僅有的錢救了他。雖然花光了錢,但所有成員決定從始不計報酬繼續改動收視的任務。或許在改變世界的國度裏,沒有說你比較高級,每人都各有所長,貢獻給最終要完成的任務。

tip #3:誰決定什麼是好節目

組織成功控制收視 data,可以隨意推高 intellectual 節目的收視,電視台被迫放棄製作低能節目。但我在想,怎樣才叫做好的電視節目?電影很搞笑地展示街頭訪問人們看電視的習慣怎樣改變,但當所有人都好像跟潮流一面倒只看 intellectual 節目,又是否好事?電影沒有直接提出這個問題,但就有這樣的結尾:當秘密組織被人發現,不得不停止干擾收視,經過兩個星期,卻發現人們沒因此而看回低能節目。他們覺得目標已達到,決定停止不幹,卻沒有認為要跟他們的標準而繼續監控。

tip #4:要不要妥協



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This kid was sitting there on his own wearing a
Vader helmet that did the breathing sounds.


照片原載於次文化雜誌《VICE》第十四冊第八期,上面那句說明是攝影師Alex Brown之憶述。當時他正前往露營,沿途逗留快餐店時遇見這名孩子。














My Comments on the Olympic Motto posted in Civic China


A second set of Comments posted at the same place: http://www.civicchina.com/?p=51, under the same name Bismarck. I have nothing against the Ideal of the Olympic Games, when it is interpreted generally and generously. Citius. Altius. Fortius. A philosophy of transcendence, if you will. And yet, when the O. Games become connected with so many other things - not only politics - one might begin to wonder, whether or not a bubble is in the making. An Olympic Bubble is no less a bubble; it is just olympic in size.


A little more contrarian thinking for the interested:

1. Having outlined my suggestions for a different way to lay out the facts, I am inclined to give some thought to the Olympic Games, the Olympic Motto, etc. etc. First comes the Motto.

2. The Motto did not exist in ancient times, as it is asserted by the bloggers here. It was only a product of the 19th century; and in particular, of a French Dominican. See the following:

A friend of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, Father Henri Martin Didon, of the Dominican order, was principal of the Arcueil College, near Paris. An energetic teacher, he used the discipline of sport as a powerful educational tool.One day, following an inter-schools athletics meeting, he ended his speech with fine oratorical vigour, quoting the three words "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (faster, higher, stronger). Struck by the succinctness of this phrase, Baron Pierre de Coubertin made it the Olympic motto, pointing out that "Athletes need 'freedom of excess'. That is why we gave them this motto … a motto for people who dare to try to break records." This phrase, "Citius, Altius, Fortius" is the Olympic Motto. The Olympic Game is the international arena viewed by millions where the athlete's spirit, mind and body endeavour to excel and achieve the higher standard than the presently existing ones; thus fulfilling the Olympic Motto.

Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games. The Olympic Creed reads: "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." The creed and motto are meant to spur the athletes to embrace the Olympic spirit and perform to the best of their abilities.

(Source: http://www.mapsofworld.com/olympic-trivia/olympic-motto.html)

3. It might be true that Fr. Didon did mean "faster, higher, stronger," period. But when the saying was made the Olympic Motto by Baron de Coubertin, it was conceived in conjunction with the thought that "athletes need freedom of excess."

4. Looked at this way, with a little history in mind, the Olympic Spirit is, in fact, not something so peculiar at all: a venture capitalist in the Silicon Valley trying to crank out the most cutting-edge i-device may very well be said to be realizing the O. Spirit. Or an architect trying to erect a most spectacular tower in the middle of a desert. Or even a hedge-fund manager trying to out-perform the market. Why not? Faster. Higher. Stronger. The freedom of excess!

5. Many people, of course, do not want to take the O. Games this way, knowing very well nonetheless that today winning a gold medal takes more than the full power of a human being: You need state input; you need scientific research; you need all sorts of calculating and testing and shaping and moding. To host the O. Games successfully, you need international PR, commercial sponsorship, and, above all, some less-than-fully-honorable means to win the right to host them in the first place.

6. Yet, when we try to connect the O. Games with politics, we kindly neglect all these disturbing FACTS, but seek refuge in an allegedly ancient Motto. For we want to maintain a certain FANCY about the Games.

7. Now, when it is the state which tries to promote this fancy, critics would not hesitate to call it propaganda; but when it is the critics themselves who try to exploit the very same fancy, fancy is no longer fancy, but becomes an IDEAL.

8. There are many sorts of games in the world; but for inexplicable reasons the world is not inclined to take them in equally fantastic terms. Take the World Cup as an example. The world seems rarely so obsessed with the idealistic, and then political, dimension of this Game. Why? Isn't it world-wide enough? Isn't it sports? Isn't it a game that also demands "faster, higher, stronger"?

9. The O. Games have largely become a party. No longer the sports or the participants; but states, politics, architecture, commercial viability, media PR, NGOs, anti-terrorism, global civil society, protest, boycott, national pride, national coming out ... are now the major invitees to the gathering. What is this Thing really? Still a matter of "faster, higher, stronger"? Perhaps. But certainly not "faster, higher, stronger" in any innocent sense of the phrase.

10. So China is going to host a Great Party; and for this Great Party many people do harbor Great Expectations. It is likely to be successful, I believe; but in the case it be not, the decisive question, to be asked by many frustrated souls, would be, not how unsuccessful it was, but who caused its failure. If it be agreed by many within the PRC, that it was "they" who caused its failure, and "they" would rather likely be found, on that occasion, to be of an idealistic breed, the consequence could be disastrous. For then, no more a happy memory of "faster, higher, stronger," and some incidental talk of the O. Spirit; but an imperative, reissued in a yet more grudging way, to be "faster, higher, stronger" THAN THEY.

My Comments on the Tibet Crisis posted in Civic China


I tried, under the pseudonym of Bismarck, to post a set of Comments in the blog Civic China: http://www.civicchina.com/?p=51. The bloggers have undertaken to collect a basic set of facts on the Tibet Crisis, which may form, in their opinion, a reasonable basis for dialogue among various parties and positions. An admirable effort indeed. But I am tempted, as a contrarian often is, to offer a slightly different perspective on these (and other omitted) facts. Hence my Comments. The version ensuing is a slight revision of the one I posted - revised chiefly for typograhical and stylistic reasons.


1. It is constructive to try to lay out a basic set of facts, whereon commentators should have reason to rely. But how the facts are laid out and elaborated upon, is itself not a neutral matter. Suppose, e.g., that a list be drawn up, where all publicly available eyewitness accounts and reporters' reports (including official ones) be documented; and that the ways be detailed, in which these accounts and reports have been used, or IGNORED, by each major medium. I am sure this exercise would paint a slightly different picture, as to what is at stake in the current War on Credibility at the international scale.

2. Many facts given in the list posted in this blog concern China, and how Chinese tend to think or mis-think. Wouldn't it be equally interesting - and constructive - to try to depict how people in many Western countries tend to think or mis-think, beyond the simple, and very trite, assertion, that the world hopes to see more human rights progress in the PRC? For instance, it wouldn't be too far-fetching to suggest, that many enthusiastic protesters in the West seem to follow quite routinely the FORMULAIC thought of "protest - crackdown," regardless of what really happened on the ground. The question - What would have you done, were you put in charge of the situation in Tibet? - is rarely put to this group, by itself or by others. Hark, and you would rarely hear the word ORDER or SECURITY uttered in this community; but only such words as VIOLENCE, CRACKDOWN, HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES. I think this is largely a fact, a fact that is as interesting to mention, as it is worth the studying: Through what lens indeed do these Westerners look at the world?

3. Perhaps we may further list, and investigate, the following fact: Is there a general DO-GOODER IMPULSE among these Western protesters, such that what they are really concerned about is not whether China as a country may progress in small but concrete steps, but whether a certain incident can give them yet another opportunity to vent their righteous anger at the rest of the world - it being this time the PRC?

4. Further down the road, we may even list, and investigate: What sort of picture of China have these Western protesters in mind, when they begin to make various assertions on the country? What indeed, does the phrase "communist China" conjure up in their imagination? What have they read, and heard, of the country, and in what ways have these readings and hearings affected their perception of it?

5. We should not touch on these topics too lightly, let alone omit them; for every misunderstanding must needs involve at least two parties, it being not obvious that it must be the one, rather than the other, that has contributed the greater part to it.

6. Your constructive attempt to list a basic set of facts for public commenting is very much to be recommended. At the end, it should help every reader to ask, hopefully also to answer, the question: What is to be done?

7. But that question should have been asked in the very first place, when riot broke out on March 14. Each and every protester in the West should have been asked this question. Many, I surmise, might have offered again the formulaic terms for an answer: Stop the violence; Respect human rights; etc. etc. But let's call this a FACT: Such formulaic terms as these could NEVER point to any concrete way to restore ORDER and SECURITY in a time of CRISIS. So the so-called answer would be no answer at all. We may put the question again: What, sir, is to be done, concretely?

8. We do NOT debase the dignity of human rights. It is an ideal that should guide the progress of China in many ways. And yet, it can also become the basis of the DO-GOODER IMPULSE of those, who need not confront the life and death of many citizens, innocent or not, in a MOMENT OF DECISION.

9. Not as a fact perhaps, but as a MAXIM, that the following ought to be proposed: No do-gooder impulse should be granted the moral high-ground, if he who has it refuses to contemplate the practical questions of order, of security, and of governance in critical times.

10. I have perhaps roamed a little away from the idea of collecting facts. But as I suggested at the outset, the laying out of facts is no neutral matter. Facts not only inform; they guide. And I believe that a slightly different structure is needed here, in order to guide the reader to ask certain questions which the present laying-out might not help him to. In sum, two things: (a) What sort of mind-set is driving Western perception of China, and where does it come from?(b) What action would have been taken, if a concerned commentator (protester included) were put in charge of the situation? With these two rubrics in mind, we may revisit the many facts listed in this post, as well as those that are yet to be collected and analyzed. Thank you.

Comments on an Article by Richard Spencer in the Telegraph


Mr. Spencer's Article, entitled ""China is Blind to the Hostility It Can Arouse," published in the Telegraph on March 26, 2008, is available at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2008/03/26/do2602.xml&posted=true&_requestid=258457. My Comments are posted under the name Bismarck.

I advanced a set of Comments on his Article, because it seems to typify certain modes of thinking that are scarecely examined in public discourses, whenever questions regarding human rights, protests, government reaction, and media reporting are raised. The notion of a "do-gooder impulse" is not proposed to vilify every attempt at defending the good; it is made to highlight, nonetheless, a certain moral dimension to the act, when doing good seems a very straightforward thing. - Bismarck, Mar.26, 08.


1. The Chinese people might not be very adroite in speaking the language of human rights - compared with Westerners well-versed in the art. But many in China, having access not only to the official version of things, but also to reports by certain media in the West, cannot fail to wonder, e.g., Why are the human rights of those 5 female workers burnt to death in Lhasa less worth the being made a subject of international concern, than the human rights of 15 monks said to be arrested by the Chinese Government, facing as they might torture etc.? Is it the case, that in the eye of such organizations as the Amnesty Internaitonal, people do not have the same human rights - lives are not equally deserving protection, and violent deaths not equally deserving condemnation - but these whose suffering seems to FIT certain Western perceptions of the rest of the world will be HIGHLY PUBLICIZED, while those whose suffering is not, will simply be GLOSSED OVER?

2. If so, then the DISCOURSE, not the ideal, of human rights becomes less than innocent. And in the present controversy - some call it a media war - it is THIS sort of selective reporting and publicizing, serving as it does to CONFIRM a certain image of China in many Western minds, that has irritated so many Chinese netizens.

3. It is imperative that such respectable writers as Mr. R. Spencer stop writing this way:"Since the protests began, many Chinese have turned on the Western media for misrepresenting the troubles. That is hardly surprising: at times of disaster, it is important to find someone to blame";as if all that Chinese netizens can do were to find scape-goats. This is as condescending as it is trivializing. Mr. Spencer must have, I dare say, hardly thought of saying that "it is hardly surprising that in such a crisis each and every Western medium would rush to vilify a communist regime, regardless of what has happened on the ground; for it is the West's perennial need to justify its DO-GOODER IMPULSE and righteous anger."Mr. Spencer would not write this way, because this is simply not part of his frame of mind. But why?

4. Mr. Spencer is not anti-China, as far as I can tell from this article. But the way he approaches the media war shows how easy it is, for a Western observer of China, tacitly to adopt, in a time of controversy, the mode of thinking quite dominant in many quarters in the West. This is no trivial matter. One might even do a thorough study on it.

5. The DO-GOODER IMPULSE is a very tempting thing. The image of Truth speaking to Power is, via textbooks and classroom discussions and public discourses, so ingrained in the mind of many Westerners, that they become very used to deploying that FRAME whenever something critical happens somewhere in the world. There are then always the good protesters and the bad government. How about mobs interrupting the otherwise good protest? Well, never mind: everything non-governmental is good, or near good, or, if bad, it must be excusable. Now, once you have this FRAME, it becomes trivially easy, and tremendously tempting, to take the next step: Support the good!

6. The 5 female workers in Lhasa had the bad fortune of not having died "in the name of" the good. They were innocent, to be lamented, etc., but just not that sort of good that would drive many Westerners to support the Chinese Government's measures. But why? Why is it so difficult to establish this psychological LINK? Well, I for one would say, that it has something to do with the human rights discourse ITSELF, however noble it otherwise must be.

7. The German girl holding a sign with the English words "China: Will You Shoot Me Too?" has probably never put herself in the position of the 5 female workers burnt alive, or of those who had been scared to death in the first 48 hours of the riot. Why not? Why is it so difficult for this German girl to think this way?

8. An article on these questions by Mr. Spencer would be most welcome.

Leading German Rabbi Condemns Pope's Good Friday Prayer


Leading German Rabbi Condemns Pope's Good Friday Prayer(Spiegel Online International)

Jewish groups around the world have condemned Pope Benedict XVI's new version of a Catholic Good Friday prayer. SPIEGEL ONLINE talks to prominent German rabbi Walter Homolka about why the prayer is insulting to Jews and discusses alleged anti-Semitic tendencies within the Catholic Church.

Last month, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict XVI had revised the so-called "Good Friday Prayer for the Jews" which forms part of the Tridentine Mass, often referred to as the Latin Mass. The new version, translated from the Latin, reads: "Let us also pray for the Jews: That our God and Lord may illuminate their hearts, that they acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men."

The new wording is similar to the original version of the prayer, which read: "Let us pray also for the faithless Jews: that almighty God may remove the veil from their hearts; so that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord." This original version was toned down at the 1962-1965 Second Vatican Council which introduced many far-reaching reforms of the Catholic Church, including replacing the Tridentine Mass with vernacular liturgies. The Good Friday Prayer then became: "Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant."

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Christianity is a missionary religion. Isn't it logical that it would also seek to convert Jews?

Homolka: No, because the controversial Good Friday Prayer completely ignores the unique status of the Jews as God's chosen people. God called us Jews to be a "light for the nations," so we certainly do not require illumination by the Catholic Church. The younger sister has clearly struck the wrong chord here.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Jesus himself was of course a Jew and he proselytized among the Jews.

Homolka: Jesus put forward his arguments within the context of an internal Jewish dialogue. What the Church turned this into was something completely different. It made Jesus the rabbi into a deity. On top of that, it claims that the crucifixion of this rabbi is relevant to my personal salvation. Such teachings would have been news to Jesus.


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吉川英治與吉本芭娜娜之間 李長聲 網路與書出版
神奇的語言(精裝) 愛德華.菲爾德 遠流
西南夷風土記真臘風土記溪蠻叢記-史料三編 朱孟震 廣文書局
馬一浮先生遺稿續篇 馬一浮 廣文書局
清代思想史 陸寶千 廣文書局
詩法源流作詩體要名家詩法 傅與礪 廣文書局
中國聲韻學通論 林尹/著,林炯陽/注釋 黎明文化
中國哲學十九講 牟宗三 學生書局
中國哲學的特質 牟宗三 學生書局
佛性與般若 牟宗三 學生書局
知止齋古稀學術論文自選集 杜松柏 學生書局
中國文學論集 徐復觀 學生書局
中國思想史論集 徐復觀 學生書局
宋代詩話論詩研究【平】 崔成宗 學生書局
文心雕龍要義申說 華仲麟 學生書局
神話與時間 關永中 學生書局
劉宗周及其慎獨哲學 黃敏浩/著 學生書局
士林哲學.理論篇 羅光著 學生書局
基督的最後七天 伯格,克羅森 橡實文化
美國眾神 尼爾.蓋曼 繆思文化
用洗臉盆吃羊肉飯 石田裕輔 繆思文化
羅馬把時間變成亂碼 張耀 聯合文學
西班牙,騎士的城不悔 張耀/主編 聯合文學
風箏家族 韓麗珠 聯合文學
歷史與思想 余英時/著 聯經出版公司
青銅器與古代史 (精) 李學勤 聯經出版公司
黑心 康拉德 聯經出版公司
中國考古學論文集 張光直 聯經出版公司
中國青銅時代 張光直 聯經出版公司
中國青銅時代(第二集) 張光直 聯經出版公司
考古人類學隨筆 張光直 聯經出版公司
小國崛起:歷史轉捩點上的關鍵抉擇 張亞中 聯經出版公司
如鏡的大海 約瑟夫康拉德 臉譜
中西哲學思想中的天道與上帝:新附篇-儒學的過去與未來 李杜 藍燈出版社
顏氏家訓斠注 王叔岷 藝文印
雪齋學術論文二集 張光裕 藝文印
雪齋學術論文集 張光裕 藝文印
增訂墨子閒詁箋 張純一 藝文印
詩比興箋 陳沆 藝文印
史記會注考證斠訂 嚴一萍 藝文印
匣中的失樂 竹本健治 小知堂
時間的精算師 羅塔爾.塞維特 小知堂
唐史(三冊,一、二合訂一冊) 章群 中國文化大學
黑色吶喊 艾莉絲.薛爾齊 心靈工坊
江西詩社宗派研究 龔鵬程 文史哲
末日小鎮 湯瑪斯.穆倫 木馬文化
追風箏的孩子(電影書衣版) 卡勒德.胡賽尼 木馬文化
燦爛千陽 卡勒德.胡賽尼 木馬文化
雨果的祕密 布萊恩.賽茲尼克 台灣東方
與柯司特對話 Manuel CastellsMartin Ince 巨流
社會認同 Richard Jenkins 巨流
閃躲—中途停靠—碎骨片:當代法國詩法中雙語選集 江.雷文斯基 巨流
伊東豐雄的建築論文選: 衍生的秩序 伊東豐雄 田園城市
誰綁架了文化創意?:如何找回我們的「自由文化」 勞倫斯.雷席格 早安財經
文藝與政治的歧途——丁玲的最後生涯(19491986 秦林芳 秀威資訊
科學觀的人文重構─後現代人文視野中的科學 楊豔萍 秀威資訊
隋唐五代史 高明士 里仁書局
郭店楚簡老子論證 陳錫勇 里仁書局
杜甫自秦入蜀詩歌析評 黃奕珍 里仁書局
文心雕龍校證 王利器 明文書局
唐宋詩髓 張夢機 明文書局
米開朗基羅之山:天才雕刻家與超完美大理石 艾瑞克.西格里安諾 信實文化
比亞茲萊的插畫世界 -迷人的怪誕,美麗的邪惡 許麗雯 信實文化
香港新詩的大敘事精神 龔鵬程 南華管理學院
文化與全球化的反思 John Tomlinson 韋伯
多元文化主義與全球社會 Peter Kivisto 韋伯
給下一輪太平盛世的備忘錄 伊塔羅˙卡爾維諾 時報出版
布雷克詩選 William Blake 書林
意識型態與烏托邦 曼海姆 桂冠
傳統與現代性:印尼伊斯蘭宗教音樂文化 蔡宗德 桂冠
漢書古今人表疏證 王利器、王貞珉 貫雅
老子本義 魏源 頂淵文化
宋詩話考 郭紹虞 頂淵文化
文心雕龍范注駁正 王更生 華正書局
論詩別錄 王叔岷 華正書局
文心雕龍之文學理論與批評 沈謙 華正書局
周易古經通說 高亨 華正書局
思齋說詩 張夢機 華正書局
詩學論叢 張夢機 華正書局
文心雕龍校釋 劉永濟 華正書局
莊子藝術精神析論 顏崑陽 華正書局
明清文學研究論集 龔顯宗 華正書局
中國文學思想史 青木正兒 開明
藝術的奧秘 姚一葦 開明
商禽.世紀詩選 商禽 爾雅
原初的激情 周蕾 遠流
轉山: 邊境流浪者 謝旺霖 遠流
一刀未剪的童年 歐各思坦.柏洛斯 遠流
先秦漢魏易例述評 屈萬里 學生書局
詩史 張暉 學生書局
詩史本色與妙悟 龔鵬程 學生書局
詩鑰 丁福保 學海出版社
唐代祠祭論稿 章群 學海出版社
先秦夢文化探微 熊道麟 學海出版社
Lush Life (土反)幸太郎 獨步文化
中西比較戲劇研究-從比較文學到後殖民論述 陸潤棠 駱駝
二十世紀中國新文學史 皮述民、邱燮友、馬森、楊昌年 駱駝
禮記校證 王夢鷗 藝文印
帶著傷心前行:一個心理工作者的自我療癒故事 王理書 寶瓶文化