
標籤: ,

在我而言, 中環天星是獨一無二的, 即使尖沙咀的碼頭和中環差不多一樣, 我感覺自己有一部分死掉. 今日鏗鏘集說了我想說的東西, 對於那個新的碼頭, 我仍然是那一句, 我有飛彈第一個就炸了它, 有人說得好, 活像迪士尼公園. 至於那些團體, 我強烈建議, 如果你真的那麼想保護鐘樓的話, 如果白痴政府一意孤行, 夠薑的就圍坐在鐘樓前保護它.

2 留言:

28481k 說...


I've just been to the new Central Pier today. It looks very ridiculous under this sort of gloomy weather - it's very open, especially at the end, where only acrylic sheets protect passengers from elements. It looks too new for the architectural style it designed, so it looked really tacky (Disney-like indeed), and because of its location (much further away from the CBD) and poor connection (look at the elevated walkway which connects between Central Elevated Walkway System and the pier, it's so open!), I can imagine less passengers will use the ferry, and this cheap means of harbour crossing will be lost from raising fares (I think it might be possible that it'll charge around $5 (2006 level) in 5 years, just like any other cross-harbour ferry)

The clock tower can be saved if enough people protected it, but since most people in HK are so short-sighted and profit-driven, I'll see it gone...

28481k 說...

Amendments from last comment:

1. "... for the architectural style it designed ..." should be "... for the architectural style it was designed .."

2."... less passengers will use the ferry ..." should be "... fewer passengers will use the ferry ..."
3.“... and this cheap means of harbour crossing ...” should be “and this cheapest means of harbour crossing ...”


Of course, the loss of the Central Star Ferry pier is not just mere economical for both the operator and passengers, but also (would be) a great heritage loss to Hong Kong. The practical (Bauhaus with few fringes) design of the pier would be sorely miss by many people. The fact is however, that the government wants a wide tarmac and a "world-renown" waterfront which promotes more waterfront property than anything else...