
標籤: ,

To be known

小四升至小五間的那個暑假,我參加了校外團契在新界營地所辦的三天 Jesus Camp 。在第二天早上,團契的女導師說她將會在下午與我們逐一單獨「聊天」,心想那大概是團契的關顧事宜,對於在傳統家庭長大自幼沉默內向的我,心中一值期待著有人願意聽聽這個小孩的心底話,這樣的一天終於來臨了。

風和日麗的一個下午之兩時左右,女導師把我從團體活動中找出來,我們一起步往營地後面的樹蔭下坐下來,那裡是無盡的寧靜和優美之處。女導師先問及我的生活狀況,我面帶羞澀的微笑,打開心扉把堆積多年的感受一一掏出與她分享,當時年幼的我卻分辨不出那僅是客套的問候。不到兩分鐘,從她面上的不耐煩讓我知道話該停了,這時她急忙地打開手上的小冊子,給我展示並解說一如至寶的程式「福音橋」 — 人因著罪而與神斷絕,唯靠著耶穌基督的十架救恩使我們能與神修好。順服乖巧的我回答她我早已篤信基督,她亦引領我作了動人的確信禱告,聊天一聚就此完結,她大概亦趕著與下一位營友作同樣的「聊天」去。


那年 Jesus Camp 之後的十五年間,我曾因大學宗教比較科講師對基督教的批判而中途離堂以示抗議,我曾在地鐵勸導一信奉摩門教的黑人青年轉信基督教。我如一般年青(罪)人般的成長、學習、尋夢、跌倒,驀然回首卻發覺我除了認識自己是個罪人外,我跟本不曾認識這個自己是誰。正如當年女導師的「聊天」,這個宗教看重的僅是眾人得救與否,是流水作業式的倒模量產信仰,卻不是讓個人能夠認識自己的平台,某程度上更是埋沒及否定人們的自性,莫論那些扭曲人性的(但願是個別的)例子。耶穌來叫人認識並找回真正的自己,一切恐怕只是我多年來一廂情願。




耶穌說:「 ...... 當你悉知自己,你就會得以被悉知,並得知自己原已是永生天父的兒子。倘若你對本我一無所悉,你就是貧無立己之處了。」(第3句)



上世紀中葉在埃及考古發現的《多馬福音》,不少學者認為此書算不上是「靈知派經典」,然而它卻被公認為與《Q 福音》同等的福音原型,就是比四福音更為原著及更少經過後期編修的耶穌語錄,讓我們能一睹那更為早期的基督教之原貌。欠奉了引人入勝的神跡故事及淒美的代贖受死情節,《多馬福音》著重的是耶穌傳授有關個人心靈的教導,從認識內在真正的自己而重拾眾人原來的身份,是自力修為和悟性而非靠他力的救贖。

人們為何及何時始從「原已是永生天父的兒子」變成「不能自救的罪人和被造物」?教內人士是為何及何時始被禁止去「認識自己」以達救贖?從前主張大同多元共融的早期基督教是為何及何時始變為「除我以外別無拯救」的排他宗教?除了那 Jesus Camp 中小冊子上圖文並茂的流水作業救恩程式以外,這個深深緊扣著人類歷史的宗教、其刻心人物耶穌及其宗猶太信仰到底隱藏著什麼訊息?和這個「我」有何關係呢?為此我竭力和渴慕地一直在尋找,亦已尋見了一點兒的端倪。一如耶穌在《多馬福音》之序所述:



* 《多馬福音》完整中譯文可見此
* 倉海君,之前討論的「被悉知」(to be known) 正出現在上述《多馬福音》第3句中,歡迎補充及討論。

17 留言:

匿名 說...





匿名 說...


Connie Missipi ~ 密西比 說...


匿名 說...


Zeke 說...

Taw'us Melké,很漂亮的詩,我很喜歡,謝謝。這是從那裡來的呢?

katana,正如我之前在其他文章曾介紹,古猶太信仰中著重一自以諾先知始之默觀術 — Ma'aseh Merkavah,我譯之為「神駕之術」,《以西結書》及《啟示錄》 等這類啟示文學均為聖者記錄其在此默觀中所見之景象而成書。耶穌在福音書中之登山變像並保羅在《哥林多後書》聲稱的昇上三重天均是沿於此傳統。其宗旨為要得著生命樹之油受膏,就是你指出的 — 自性終極的自覺。

Connie Missipi, 魔鬼乃是無處不在的,且懂得化作光明的天使矇騙世人。這樣作為信徒的就更要努力自強,應付這場屬靈戰爭。共勉之。



匿名 說...


但大多數 基督徒 都沒有這個知識,亦根本難獲接觸《多馬福音》。


如何可以【正世】呢? 似乎這個也許是真正基督徒要引領基督徒走出這個扭曲了的控制核心,路不易走。


Zeke 說...


我的文章及個人部落格中盡量不使用「基督徒」一詞,可知爭端經常由此詞引起,這情況最常出現在過往探討基督教異端學之時,一個團體基督徒認為別的基督徒不是基督徒(或是相向性的),直認使用「基督徒」的對方侵犯了他們。對於不少宗教人士,「基督徒」乃是他們自身身份的特殊象徵,當中狹義地包含了他們本位之教派 / 教會的特定教導。在使用「基督徒」一詞之時,一些宗教人士很容易會對號入坐的認定你是在針對他們和他們的教派,從而觸怒他們。敏感的詞彙還有「基督教」和「神」等,都是牽涉到讀者自身身份認同及有否被侵犯的字眼,如此因文字而生的誤會我認為可免則免。

說實在,問題並不在什麼知識或是《多馬福音》,這些都是徒然和虛空之物。關鍵就在於信仰中的人士的自性和其心之所向,開悟者就算在苦難中亦能悟出隱藏在萬有其中的旨意而自得其樂,執迷者就算在天國也可以因著別人的光環比他亮而屈屈不歡。眾人該當各按其適而選擇信仰或修不同之法,走各人獨特的路,縱然有些人的路會較他人難走及較多苦楚,然而萬有最終必按原來的旨意一同歸合至同一源中,這就是早期基督教及不少教父如 St. Gregory of Nyssa 和 Origen 所教導的 Apocatastasis,眾生皆得救贖之說。


倉海君 說...


“認識你自己”(Γνώθι σεαυτόν),這不單是共濟會,更是古希臘哲人、靈知派信徒(Gnostics),甚至是“致知誠意”(《大學》)、“自明誠”(《中庸》)的儒者所共同分享和珍惜的神秘經驗。或許可以說,早在二千多年前,藉着一種美妙不可名狀的神秘經驗在各地智者心中逍遙無礙的流動,“全球化”已在精神層面上圓滿地實現了。

正如在前幾天的討論所言,既然沒有上下文參考,“認識你自己”便可以有多重演繹。但我相信這是關於中外上古道術的一句秘訣,而事實上,也只有掌握了道術原理者才能正確解釋此語。謎語的作用是什麼呢?就是要一面隱藏,一面展露。老子云:“夫唯不知,是以不知”,此句如果要注,我會引Franz Hartmann的一段話:"Wisdom, as a principle, is inconceivable unless it becomes manifest in the wise, and only the wise are capable to recognise it. A man without knowledge knows nothing. (即夫唯不知,是以不知)It is not man in his aspect as a being without any principle who can know any principle whatever; it is always the principle itself that recognises itself in other forms. Thus, if a person wants to know the truth, the truth must be alive in him; if there is no truth in him, he can perceive no truth, neither within himself nor in external nature."(In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom, Ch.1)耶穌說:“然而,天國既是在你心中,又是在身外。當你悉知自己,你就會得以被悉知,並得知自己原已是永生天父的兒子。倘若你對本我一無所悉,你就是貧無立己之處了。”我們只要把這三段話排在一起,便能豁然貫通何謂“認識你自己”了。

要認識的所謂“自己”,絕不是指其性格、生平、志願、心理狀況等,認識這些沒錯是要緊的,但委實不必勞煩這麼多顯赫的大宗師來傳授這樣粗淺的道理。那個“自己”,其實就是另一形式的真理/道/天主/存有......"It is always the principle itself that recognises itself in other forms."--如果我悉知自己,就是被(神)所悉知,那麼我們悉知的(自己),不正正就是神麼?說不得的秘密,就在這兒。但不是說人可比擬神,因為"天國既是在你心中,又是在身外",神亦然。如果我即心,心即神,那麼身(我)外呢?基督的教誨,以我理解就是破除內外物我的二元對立,而歸於一。"我"不是一,而是被"一"所統攝;神所直覺到的,就會存在,所以"被神所悉知",就是永恆真實的存在,即所謂永生。神殿銘文“認識你自己”,也只有像耶穌這種精通秘學的大師才能正確解讀。

Zeke 說...

感謝倉海君豐富的補充。倉海君如此「悉知的自己為神」的大逆不道之說可見與《約翰福音》 10:34 中耶穌說:


耶穌這裡所指的律法為《詩篇》82:6 :

我曾說:「你們是神 (Elohim) ,都是至高者 (Elyon) 的兒子」。


在眾多近代基督教教派中,我個人認為只有「耶穌基督後期聖徒教會」(摩門教)對《約翰福音》 10:34 耶穌說「你們是神」提供較佳的詮釋,他們在神學中早已將「神」一詞彙「平民化」,稱此字當中包含著人來世前原作為「靈子靈女」之意,即《約翰福音》前文後理中的「神的兒子」,天父和母在天上所生我們的「前生」,這與其創教者 Joseph Smith Jr. 醉心於猶太秘學和神智學不無關係。最不堪的詮釋則源自基督教福音派中的成功神學,他們引用此經文純粹是為了自視為神的全能從而支持他們追求在世上無盡的成功和財富。

有神論者該不會因此而罷休,在這裡他們感到被冒犯的,就是那原為被造物的人與創造主的「神」自命同等。這樣倉海君所說「悉知的自己為神」中的「神」或摩門教的「靈子靈女」究竟是「創造主」或是「被造物」?「創造主」與「被造物」的二元對立乃是沿與理性主義的「創造論」,其理性僅在於實體化地相信一位父神在創世首六天用手逐一模造出各天體和地上萬物,並以泥巴造人。在猶太教和早期基督教則不見這樣的「創造論」,他們主張的是古傳的「流溢說」 (Emanationism) ,眾生源自神性一源流溢照射而「生」,就連當中的一草一木裡面也分享著其神性,是血脈相連的一體和諧關係,所謂的「神」就是對此眾生一體之尊稱,和對此神性流溢智慧的頌揚,這就是那「認識你自己」(被悉知)之鑰匙 — 眾人內在神性的覺醒。

匿名 說...


Zeke 說...

是的。上述說過古猶太修行術的宗旨為要得著生命樹之油「受膏」 (希伯來文:Mashach) ,如此被受膏的人稱為 Mashiach,此字翻譯至希臘文為 Khristo,即基督。那就是,成為自身基督。《拿戈瑪第古本》的《腓力福音》如此教導:


Y.T. 說...

倉海君 quoted a passage which reads: "It is not man in his aspect as a being without any principle who can know any principle whatever; it is always the principle itself that recognises itself in other forms. Thus, if a person wants to know the truth, the truth must be alive in him; if there is no truth in him, he can perceive no truth, neither within himself nor in external nature." It seems that one can interpret the proposed view in two ways. The more modest, or secular, or detached way suggests that "the truth must be alive in him" means nothing more than the condition, for one to know the truth, that one must be in a position, or have the ability, to know it. How is one to recognize the truth (I mean validity) of a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem? At the least one must be well trained in certain branches of higher mathematics, and one can say that it is not he, but that part of him which is predisposed to recognizing valid mathematical proofs, that really "knows" the truth. In a similar fashion may we ask: How is one to recognize the truth (or reality, in some theological sense of the word) of God? Well, at the least one must have the ability to form an impression of the holy and, in the case of a one true God, the relevant monotheistic conception. This way of interpreting the proposed view is modest, because it says nothing of the ontological status of "the truth" or "the principle." We may for that reason call this the epistemological interpretation.

The more ambitious, and also for some the more appealing, interpretation attempts, on the other hand, to give an existential priority to "the truth" or "the principle": it is no longer a mere epistemological condition, but a truly ontological entity (permit me to use this troublesome word) which in some way infuses the potential knower, so as to make him capable of knowing the truth. Not only an ontological entity: but also a self-conscious and self enacting one. Otherwise we can very well fancy that it were nothing but Energy. Some prefer calling it God, some prefer calling it Geist: the name matters not. At the heart of this ontological interpretation of the proposed view seems to be an urge to see the self as part of a larger self: the self is "enabled" to know not because of some past training or experience (all which seems to point back to the self--its will in particular--as the ultimate cause), but because of a prior self, a larger self, that has realized its inherent capability to know in this particular instance, viz. through this particular self. On the first interpretation, the self need not submit to anything; but on the present one, it is already (in a sense) in submission to that larger self.

Karl Barth, inspired by a reading of St. Anselm, came to recognize that the ontological must be prior to the epistemological. God is, and man can only start thinking about God by putting himself already in God. Yet in a way his impassioned arguments in the Church Dogmatics for this point seems to intimate little more than the common observation that "If you believe, you believe; if not, no one can lead you thereto by arguments."

Of course, the broader thought that the capacity to know always presupposes (or requires) something prior has long been a major theme in philosophy. The Holy Trinity of Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger all play with this thought in one way or another. The hard part is, nevertheless, to describe clearly and meaningfully what that "prior" is (so for instance, what is Sittlichkeit? or Horizon? or Sein?) What, moreover, is the relationship between my little self and that "prior," and how am I to "know myself" in relationship thereto, and live in the light, or pale, of it?

If 倉海君 meant to favor the ontological interpretation (and I think he did), echoed in zeke's allusion to the notion of Emanation in antiquity, it may be proper to say, then, that they take the injunction "Know Thyself" not as an injunction to know the peculiarities of the little self, as are frequently and meticulously investigated by psychological tests in pop magazines; but as an injunction to look beyond the self and to see it--to recognize it--in the light or pale of that larger self. To know thyself becomes to know the limits of an isolated, unencumbered self (to adopt Sandel's nice phrase against Rawls): to know that there is more to know, and more urgently to be known, than the vagaries of this I. On a day to day level, this may point to one's friends and relatives, communities, etc.; more elevatedly, it may point to transcendence, the desire to reconnect oneself to the Beyond and the Before, and the aspiration to look back, from that position, at this humble little self. Some say that this desire is deeply rooted in the complicated neural network of human beings, the complexity allowing them to enter trance experiences, the remnant--or recollection--of which well sedimented as the desire of transcendence in certain moments of everyday life. But for the present discussion, let me go no further into this controversial subject.

倉海君 說...

Y.T.,你的理解沒錯,也謝謝你不同角度的補充。我確實是把上文提及的principle視為ontological entity,而這種想法,相信你也很清楚,其實就是柏拉圖所謂的idea或 eidos。現代人對idea的理解,跟柏拉圖可謂天壤之別:前者認為idea只是藉着抽象活動而存在於我們腦海中,而後者則相信idea不但實際、客觀地存在,且比感官世界更真實和恆常。當然,這類跟現代人格格不入的思想並不始於柏拉圖,因為前蘇時期的哲學家已有這種看法,如畢達哥拉斯派便把數字、幾何圖形等視為宇宙基本元素;至於在更古老的魔法傳統中,言語和現實是不分的,例如古希臘人的"緊釘呪"(katadesis)--即把仇人名字寫在小鉛片上,再召喚陰靈詛呪,最後把鉛片埋於土中--就是建基於"名字等同真人"的信念上。甚至中國的道家和《易經》都暗藏古希臘人的理型觀,只是很少人會留意到。

《若望福音》首章所講的,我認為就是跟古希臘哲人一脈相承的秘學核心理論。太初(αρχη)、名 (λογος)和神(θεος)就是聖三的原型,也是宇宙最基本的三大實體。一般人極其量只相信神才會客觀地存在,但我認為太初和名(常名)也是"實在"的(即不僅僅是人腦海中的概念)。而最有趣的,是太初的意義:(1)她是此聖三中唯一的陰性名詞,其餘的名和神都屬陽性,這跟聖父(陽)、聖子(陽)、聖神(陰)的陰陽比例不謀而合;(2)與傳統聖三不同的是,名(logos)是在太初"之內"的(εν αρχη ην ο λογος),而名與神既相對(προς τον θεον)亦相等(και θεος ην ο λογος),那麼我們可以進一步推斷,神與名其實都在太初"之內",被太初所涵攝,換言之,兩大陽性實體的地位都在陰性原型之下;(3)αρχη一字,除了代表"太初",也指"原理",或許可以這樣說,第一理型其實就是αρχη(希臘文中那個α字其實已暗示了一切)。

回到之前的話題,所謂"認識自己"、"認識真理"等,就是認識這"太初",而這太初就是那無以名之的至上神(老子云:"無名,天地之始")。Zeke之前提及《約翰福音》 10:34 中耶穌說:「你們的律法上豈不是寫著我曾說你們是神(theoi)麼?」對,我們可以成神(theoi),但還不是"太初"--對我來說,這就是人與至上神的根本分別。

Y.T. 說...

倉海君, I should like to comment briefly on your reference to Plato. It is, I hope you agree, notoriously difficult to ascertain what exactly is the so-called Platonic Theory of Form. A rough chronology of Plato's writings seems to suggest that something like form emerged as a reflection on some such question as, "What is it that allows us to apply the same word "beautiful" when we say that this is a beautiful boy and that is a beautiful tree?" The question was, most would say, not Plato's but Socrates's. It was a demand for definition; or more precisely, a demand for justificaiton for a certain linguistic practice, namely, the use of general terms. Socrates had no answer whatsoever to his own questioning; the burden nevertheless led Plato to step back and inquire into the nature of that which may be an answer to the definitional demand.

The Phaedo is, for all purposes, one of the earliest outline of Plato's proposal: the very way general terms are used seemed to have led him to posit, say, "the beautiful itself" as that which justifies the said usage. But there, the sense in which particular things, like a flower, come to be beautiful, remains, despite the fantastic notion of "participation," a mystery. That mystery is taken up in the Parmenides; and in fact, the first part of the dialogue can be seen as a series of trenchant criticisms of Plato's earlier account of such things as "the beautiful itself." Plato kept the account in the Republic, but did not mention it at all in the Theaetetus, an absence which, given the dialogue's aim of investigating what knowledge is, seems to lend strong support to the view that Plato indeed abandoned the "theory of form" in his late years.

One difficulty with the "theory of form," which is prominently dealt with in the Parmenides, pertains, not surprisingly, to the ontological status of forms. It is not clear what Plato remained committed to after hearing, and failing to answer, the series of criticisms; tellingly, Plato conceded that a form might, after all, but be a pattern of thought.

Your description that Plato "相信idea不但實際、客觀地存在,且比感官世界更真實和恆常" is to a certain degree correct; after all, the search for invariance is rightly to be seen to be the first motivation for singling out "the beautiful itself." But if this is the impression one gets from the Phaedo and the Republic, that impression must be qualified by what is to be found in the Parmenides (and relevant absences in the Theatetus). If one accepts the criticisms put forth in the Parmenides--and the view that Plato really did not succeed to answer them there nor in subsequent writings--then one is forced to tell a slightly different story about the so-called Platonic Theory of Fomr. It would be a story less of bold contrivance than of miserable retreat--if not indeed of ultimate surrender. But, of course, the Parmenides was also written by Plato himself. Shall we not say, then, that Plato was after all not only a proposer of form, as he was in his early years, but also a critic of that notion, as he having given much thought to it clearly was?

What Plato thought and wrote is, admittedly, not the same as what others take him to have thought and wrote. Yet is it no trivial question to ask, in what way the account of forms is, or is not, central to various branches of Plato's philosophy. In the Theaetetus Plato tried to show the danger of conceiving the world as but a Heraclitean flux; for discourse to be possible, we need something like general terms. Or in other words, there must be something more than the mere perception of each individual in each (and mutually disconnected) moment. This "must" is not the Kantian "must"--in the sense of a transcendental precondition for cognition--but a "must" that is thoroughly practical: without general terms, we cannot even talk to each other.

I think this central lesson in the Theaetetus echoes deeply, and in fact in some sense answers, the Socratic search for that which justifies the use of general terms. Perhaps it is unnecessary to believe in a thoroughly objective and unchanging reality (even if one would love to, Plato did not tell us what it really was); but it remains imperative to presume that we are able to make use of something more enduring than a fleeing moment. The need, the desire, and the urge to reach this thing, to grasp it, to ensure ourselves that dialogic interaction between human beings is possible, already points to something like the forms. It is my conviction that this mirrors in a profound way the human search for "the ultimate," or what your call "太初"

倉海君 說...


我在上文說:"我確實是把上文提及的principle視為ontological entity,而這種想法,相信你也很清楚,其實就是柏拉圖所謂的idea或 eidos。"這是為了行文簡便,才省掉Plato後期思想上的轉變(假設他確是轉變了)。如果要精確一點表達我的想法,我大概應該修正為:"把上文提及的principle視為ontological entity,其實跟前期柏拉圖的理型論有同一的思想淵源。"--我已說過:"這類跟現代人格格不入的思想並不始於柏拉圖,因為前蘇時期的哲學家已有這種看法"--但我絕不會因為Plato本人無法自圓其說而放棄自己的想法。

當然,我明白你不是說"理型實有"是錯的(你只是說:"Perhaps it is unnecessary to believe in a thoroughly objective and unchanging reality"),但你採取的立場必然是較溫和的:承認general terms在語言溝通上的實用價值,以及把對"大我"、"超越性存有"等的嚮往視為一種深層的心理需要。這套想法的內容本身,我是同意的;但我不大認同這種笛卡兒式的method of doubt(即為了捉緊一些顛撲不破的真理而在方法上質疑一切有理由被質疑的見解),尤其是在靈性而非物性的探索上,因為這種懷疑方法所帶來的結論,往往不會令人高呼Heureka,而只會使人吐出一句so what--你考慮的可能是某種觀念的實際意義,而我重視的則是某種方法的實用價值。

儘管我明白你對idea是採取一種較理性或較"實際"的解說,但我希望你(像笛卡兒當年玩method of doubt一樣)玩一個更新奇的遊戲,可稱之為suspension of disbelief:不要試圖透徹理解或詳細說明我們現在所討論的"理型",也不要理會Plato是否能自圓其說--他不能理解,不代表我們不能--而是把自己開放給宇宙的"大靈",並好好運用你的悟性,仔細觀察她在世間的痕跡。只有這樣,你才會有可能"看破"連Plato也不能解答的難題。禪定般若之境,斷非用區區理智便可以觸及的。

Zeke 說...

倉海君所引用的《路加福音》11:33 同樣見於《多馬福音》中,就是說此經文為較可靠的耶穌語錄原型之一:


此光正為《多馬福音》的主旨,有別於《約翰福音》強調的獨生子耶穌基督之光,《多馬福音》著重的乃是基督作為一體住在眾生之光 (Elaine Pagels 在其著作 "Beyond Belief" 就此作了詳盡歷史角度剖釋):

基督之光住在眾人 —


人本自光 —


眾生成為一體基督之光 —

耶穌說:「我是來自一體不分的一位,並從我父而得著 ...... 若人成為一體,他便被光所充滿;若人分離了,他便被黑暗所充滿。」(第61句)

基督是光並是眾生一切(包括死物) —



人們常以為所及的「成為神」為狂妄自大的自視與神同等,這是基於他們在過往早已被教導此字相當的狹義,Y.T. 就此理解「認識自己 / 成為神」等同「降卑小我」的洞見,我是相當同意的。

在猶太秘學中極少提及生命樹頂輪「榮冕輪」 (Keter) 及在其上的「虛無」 (Ein) 之事宜,因著猶太拉比們認為那是接近最高的神性,是眾生的認知範圍內所不能及的。在猶太秘學史中舉足輕重的十六世紀拉比 Moses Cordovero 在其著作《德伯拉的棕樹》 (Tomer Devorah) 裡教導著眾人如何模仿從而「成為神」,當中揭露了一直不為人知的「榮冕輪」真貌,中譯如下:

「謙遜並包容著一切之能力全屬『榮冕輪』 ,那就是至高的屬性。祂從不把自己向上提昇及頌揚,反之祂只會時刻降卑自己往下看。這是基於兩個原因:一是祂羞怯於察看祂的源,然而流溢的一因在『榮冕輪』 往下看著眾生之際無間地看顧著祂並將美善給予祂。這樣,人同樣該羞怯於自高地往上看,更要往下看盡量地降卑自己。看哪,沒有一如我們的神在『榮冕輪』 中如此忍耐及謙遜的。」

除了 Y.T. 提出「成為神」等同「降卑小我」之見解,這裡還詮釋了之前對話中好些要點,如流溢說的法則和倉海君提及的「太初一因」有別於「神」,拉比 Moses Cordovero 更把(榮冕輪中)「我們的神」視為受眾和被眷顧者,可見猶太教中的「神」於一般認識「神」之狹義有著天壤之別,猶太秘學中的「成為神」僅是成為「太初一因」以下接近神性之受眾而非其源 (Ein) ,是至謙遜且包容眾生者。說實在,所有宗教中「神」的定義從來也不是輕易了解的事。

關於 太初(αρχη) 、名 (λογος) 和神 (θεος) 之序,可見於後柏拉圖之父 Plotinus 的 En (τό ἕν) 、 Nous (Νοῦς) 和 Psychè (Ψυχή) ,那就是流溢之序。Nous 與 Logos 之交替在靈知經典及希臘哲學中亦是很常見的。見於不同文獻且廣泛流傳在眾教會之「圓舞頌」為早期基督教約翰派信徒崇拜儀式所用,當中一句為:

「我必去覺知,而我必被覺知,成為全然的覺知 (Nous) 。阿門!

伸延自耶穌與門徒吃過最後晚餐後,耶穌站在正中央,十二門徒則手牽手成一圓以「阿門」呼應祂的話,那正是《馬太福音》 26:30 和《馬可福音》 14:26 中所指「他們唱了詩,就出來往橄欖山去」之際所唱之「詩」,為耶穌傳授門徒一如登山變像之術並把他們昇至三重天領受使徒權柄之時。正如神智學家 George Robert Stowe Mead 所言,「圓舞頌」並非一般的頌詩而是早期基督教的某種秘術儀式,參與者在此「輪圓具足」中透過中央的基督明白宇宙萬有,再從宇宙一切中了悟真我,從而達即事而真之境。有說亞瑟王與圓桌武士傳說中與「圓舞頌」之間有著神秘的關連。


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