


Trepanation, alternately spelled trephination, is a practice which hails back to ancient times when it was believed that mental illness was caused by the presence of evil spirits within the head. This primitive surgical technique, which involved chiseling a hole in the skull, was intended to release these malevolent spirits. Modern practitioners, preferring the use of electric drills with special cranial perforator's that know when to shut off and stop the drilling 'automatically' before damaging the brain covering (dura matter), contend that this simple and fast operation improves blood flow to the capillaries of the brain on a permanent basis. The many benefits to this procedure include relief from the following: anxiety, stress, headaches and depression, as well as a higher level of consciousness & awareness with improved mental activity.

The modern trepanation movement began in 1962, when a Dutch doctor named Bart Huges developed the hypothesis ("The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ("BBV") - Published in 1962) that as we mature and age our skulls harden, restricting blood flow to the capillaries of the brain. He reasoned that children, especially babies with their "soft spot", had a clearer outlook on the world because their brains were free to receive more cerebral blood volume than in our adult brains with hermetically-sealed skulls.

Wanna to have a hole drilled into your head? 還有興趣開隻天眼的人可觀覽以下這 site: International Trepanation Advocacy Group. A few lines from a rap song floats atop my mind, "Insane in the membrane, insane in the brain..."

8 留言:

匿名 說...


道士 說...


Zeke 說...

在猶太祕學中有記載,公元前 500 年左右耶利米先知和其子司拉 Sirah 運用了《創造之書》的技術以八小時創造了第一個複製人,理由純粹是要體會神名的大能,這些複製人稱為「哥肋姆」 (Golem),他們與人無異,會走動和思考,只是不能說話,基於他們欠缺了人類較高層次的「靈」 Neshamah(氣息)。這種「哥肋姆」 複製人技術廣泛應用在日後流放在各國的猶太人社群中,主要以「哥肋姆」作社群的護衛,他們和猶太人一樣一週工作六天,安息日例休,在猶太教中亦流傳著不少有關不當使用「哥肋姆」而生的駭人意外。

道士 說...

你肯定不是在說個game DiabloII?? 在海地﹐有voodoo。在馬六甲﹐有降頭﹑鬼仔。白蓮教咪好似有載吹紙符化馬﹐騎之而去? Wicca 也有好似聚集風火水土精靈之說。

搞甘多野﹐無非都係想請個免費菲傭﹐挑戰下造物之功﹐得些自己努力以外的收穫。無知既庶民﹐聽著五餅二魚這些不努而穫的故事﹐又點唔會死心塌地的奉獻? 不過﹐你說這些泥製法術公仔﹐和開腦手術有什麼關係?

道士 說...


Zeke 說...

「哥肋姆」是不折不扣的古代複製人科學,比現今的複製人技術早了 2500 年。當中的確是有「挑戰下造物之功」的意思,猶太祕學專家 Gershom Scholem 就提出了創造「哥肋姆」就等同「神」(Elohim) 按自己的形像創造首人之程序,在最初的首人同樣亦是沒有「靈」 (Neshamah) ,直到「將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡」他才成為活人。


倉海君 說...


Zeke 說...

