David Lynch: On Ideas
原來倉海君亦有留意 David Lynch,還以為你只喜歡周星馳...
Tourist,哈哈,「唔通我練過如來神掌又要話你知咩?」我對Mulholland Drive, Rabbits的熱愛,超過任何一套周星馳電影。
In July 2007, I became one of several hundred few on earth, who suffers from movie addiction disorder.
倉海君,梗係要話我知啦…. (一齊練阿嘛,哈哈)Chip Douglas,Everything can be viewed as good or bad, it all depends on your point of view.But, if you don't share the same enthusiasm for something, no need to make negative comment on someone who does. Everyone has his own life style.
Oddball: Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change? Moriarty: Crap!.
倉海君呢D只喜歡周星馳又冇睇晒全部 IMDb Top 500 List 既咪係冇 "Life Style" 囉。
7 留言:
原來倉海君亦有留意 David Lynch,還以為你只喜歡周星馳...
哈哈,「唔通我練過如來神掌又要話你知咩?」我對Mulholland Drive, Rabbits的熱愛,超過任何一套周星馳電影。
In July 2007, I became one of several hundred few on earth, who suffers from movie addiction disorder.
梗係要話我知啦…. (一齊練阿嘛,哈哈)
Chip Douglas,
Everything can be viewed as good or bad, it all depends on your point of view.
But, if you don't share the same enthusiasm for something,
no need to make negative comment on someone who does.
Everyone has his own life style.
Oddball: Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
Moriarty: Crap!.
倉海君呢D只喜歡周星馳又冇睇晒全部 IMDb Top 500 List 既咪係冇 "Life Style" 囉。