On Setpember 5, I translated three articles from Apple Daily in defense of the EasyFinder photographs of artiste Gillian Chung changing backstage (see In Defense of the Realm). In that post, I also translated a rebuttal from Diuman Park blogger 葉一知. There is also another untranslated blog post at Pandemonium titled 偉大的反共文豪. And 葉一知 has also drawn a parody at Who Is Miss A? using the same arguments applied to another case.
What can I say? I declare at this time that the Hong Kong blogosphere (at least, the Chinese side of it) is powerful and erudite enough to match up with the mainstream media columnists and commentators... Furthermore, the Hong Kong bloggers will serve a watchdog function on the media itself, because any commentator resorting to laziness or inattention will be shred to pieces in front of a large public!
我的想法其實很簡單,也很天真:文明社會根本不需要監察者,因為所有人 (或至少大部份人)都應該是監察者。你對人有怎麼樣的假設,就會有怎麼樣的世界。你假設人是沒理性節制、貪婪罔極的野獸,要佈下天羅地網防他為非作歹,自然會求淫得淫;你假設人是白痴,然後當他們弱智般教育,世界就會充斥低能兒。沒錯,要全民監察,我們需要的不是bloggers,而是健全的教育--物有本末,事有終始,教育才是文明的根本。
3. 明白一個很顯淺的道理:不要害怕跟人不同,因為只有不思考的人,想法才會與他人一樣;而只有願意思考的人,才是真正存在。
8 留言:
在近年高速的中港一體化之大勢下,難保不久將來有人以「傳達準確信息是大眾 Blogger 的基本責任」而立法強制所有「個人意見」的 Blog 必須做到「內容準確」和「公正持平」兩大原則。
Everyone's a critic,
cause it's the easiest route to deal with any problem.
Finding a solution,
to solve the original goddamned problem, philosophers!
And why waste time to criticize against bad critics?
I do somehow understand, the hardest part of all...
...is to hold your temper,
and explain your point with clarity,
to all those morons that can't understand YOU.
and what about ME ME ME? I can see YOUR FAULT.
Criticizing against a bad critic makes me no better - than the worst critic,
or no worst than the best critic,
if considering at the original problem.
I want to see beyond -
what others see.
我倒樂於人在邊緣,做一世「他者」,滿足於一種盧克來修式的快樂(Lucretius, De Rerum Natura, ii, 1-13)。被邊緣化其實更好玩,當那些衣裳楚楚的所謂名門大派正襟危坐時,我們就可以像遊俠般,隨興之所至,失驚無神殺出來把他們打得裙拉褲甩、屁滾尿流,然後便「事了拂衣去,深藏身與名」,豈不更加痛快?
倉海君疾言厲色和疾惡如仇,有正義與敢言的作風 !
那受過教育的四條條文, 值得思考. 最想學習是如何把對手一拳擊倒, 而不會血濺旁觀的人....