

Come across a pretty nice essay: Socrates Meets Jesus.
Haha, getting some of you down there to accompany me just in case there's an eternal damnation.

12/12/06 12:00pm 這朝收到兩個電郵﹐在此追加兩段片: Evolution of dance﹐用六分鐘由六﹑七十年代貓王跳到前幾年 N'sync 的舞. 和這段 dice stacking video (德國電視台的訪問)﹐搖骰子的奇技。

2 留言:

倉海君 說...

Dice stacking is a nice one, but the conversation between 'Socrates and Jesus' is packed with too many platitudes. 'Jesus' is almost as dogmatic as 正字博士, and 'Socrates' has asked enough silly questions to qualify as a journalist.

道士 說...

true, I check out the guy's name on the bottom, and it turns out to be a sleazy politician, no wonder. It's still fun to imagine all these spritual leaders come across each other. Buddha and Joan of Arc, Confucious and Hawkins, etc.