Hannibal: Rising

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如果一向有看Hannibal系列的人﹐喜歡故事的縣疑驚慄﹐大可不看新片《人魔崛起》﹐因為就算有一級班底﹑一級製作﹐它頂多也只能算是套三流既暴力血腥片﹐倒不如"Saw"片系列的扭曲﹑變態﹑恐佈。昨天花了三個小時﹐得了個失望。我剛剛在網上找中文片名﹐見了篇轉載壹週刊的影評﹐我不得不同意: 「通篇是一連串沒什麼大腦的復仇情節,殘忍、卻不恐怖。《人魔崛起》把最具曖昧顛覆性的殺人狂魔,塵歸塵土歸土,落實地庸俗不堪,《沉默羔羊》如果如此刻劃漢尼拔,後面根本就不會有這幾集「配角變主角」的續集出現。不可思議的是,這麼自曝其短的廉價恐怖片,竟然出自《戴珍珠耳環的少女》導演之手,他把安東尼霍普金斯詮釋的漢尼拔,變成《魔山》或者《德州電鋸殺人狂》的等級,雖然有鞏俐允文允武、風情萬種的演出,也不足以讓影片稍好一點。」我也覺作者Thomas Harris 難到真係寫到無嘢好寫﹐今次羔羊醫生雖然殺死最多人﹐不過同時也活生生把傳奇性的性格謀殺了! 根本就變了個廉價低俗既屠夫﹐和他殺了的豬肉佬無乜分別。

Hannibal 是有修養品味的﹐文雅的﹐聰明的﹐高傲的﹐預知的﹐不屑世俗的﹐不會做這些沒意義的屠殺。對於個psychopath來說﹐殺人只為了自己﹐和彈彈琴﹐劃劃畫﹐沒有什麼分別﹐仇恨感是多餘的。在Red Dragon 和 Silence of the Lamb內﹐他不正不邪﹐像個先知﹐像個riddler﹐帶點遊戲性質﹐生和死沒有什麼意義﹐他只不過在過程中尋找享受。監禁對他來說只是種不方便﹐而不是種困惑﹐殺人也只不過為了方便他自己去享受世界﹐在Hannibal中﹐那個黑人獄卒﹐和他相處八年還是很好﹐而秘決卻是尊重﹐很有種黑色幽默的味道。他殺了奏得不好的樂師﹐是討厭人影響他的享受﹐忽然像擁有複雜品味的魔鬼﹐突然又像正義之神為大眾服務。強奸小孩的那人就給他折磨到求生不得﹐求死不能﹐像宣判﹐像權威﹔社會的垃圾﹐不如滿足一下自己的胃口(literally)。 現在新戲給了一個殺戮的原因﹐有原因就不變態﹐有動機就變了有血有肉有感情的普通人。戲中飾演少年的他殺人時面目猙獰﹐或舔血詭笑﹐但這也是多餘的﹐既然對測謊機全無反應﹐殺人也不過像在煮飯﹐有什麼值得他去笑﹐醫生是痴線但不是傻的。Anthony Hopkins 就捕捉到psychopath(*1)的情緒﹐無論殺人那刻帶來多少感覺﹐也只是若有若無輕輕一笑﹐頂多是種滿足感﹐相反在人前卻隨時可顯露出親切和藹的笑容。在Hannibal故事中雖做了主角﹐但他的神秘感相對減弱﹐不過開腦和斬了自己隻手去保護好玩的玩具﹐卻仍算有個交代。Hannibal Lecter做了任何為人不齒的行為﹐不會內疚﹐也不用解釋﹐如果因為一時喜好放過當年的兵﹐又或一時興之所至把鞏俐煮來吃﹐才有點當年羔羊醫生的味兒罷。

*1:psychopaths as "intraspecies predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, and violence to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they cold-bloodedly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret." "What is missing, in other words, are the very qualities that allow a human being to live in social harmony."

2 留言:

匿名 說...

If Luke Skywalker of George Lucas's Star Way Triology is the mixture of western hero and Janpanese samurai, then Dr Hannibal Lector is the mixture of 70% elegance and 30% cruelty. In the opening of Red Dragon, he killed/slaughtered a violanist/cheloist because he missed a chord. Look at the way he wandered through the streets and squares in Florence, and the way he delivered a lecture before learned Italian scholars on art and museum, you could hardly imagine this is an American on the most wanted list of the FBI. When he opened up the skull of his victim and stir-fried his brain on a pan with butter (I guess), a voice immeidately echoed inside my head saying he couldn't have done it better. Unlike ordinary serial killer, killing has become a fine art in his hands. Of course nobody could play Hannibal better than Anthony Hopskin whose English is so elegantly spoken as if he was playing a Shakepearean character on stage.
When the directors and producers are going to start to shoot Part 2 or 3 of a blockbuster, they are doomed to fail. Look at all the Hollywood clasics like Godfather, Omen (1976 version), Exorcist, Superman (Part 1 and 2 were shot at the same time but released at different time). Even Matrix 3 is nothing more than dragonball. The only exception to this rule is Indiana Jones.

道士 說...

Agreed. Terminator 2 is better than 1, both are great, that's another exception, but 3 will also have to fall into the same catagory of disappointments. Problem is, man is easy to get use to ideas, an ingenious plot only comes out once in a while, and people get sick and bored of it if there's repetition in the follow-up.