(圖片來自Bücher des Jahrhunderts)
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11 留言:
我見過,開過,甚至進過那扇門。對你而言,那可能是但丁詩中的地獄之門:「棄絕一切希望吧,入門者。」(Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate)但對我來說,那光明的虛無正是莊生筆下的逍遙之域,在那裡我甜蜜地被強光刺瞎,再安心地閉上眼睛,然後就像醉舟一般縱浪於無何有之海。
"只相信你一向所相信的" ... what is that ??? ... what is the belief that you, 掬香齋主人, 一向所相信的 ???
倉海君, what is 虛無的創造力 ??? ... going thru the same door and you got a totally different experience, care to elaborate ???
這篇文不是allegory,沒必要尋找寓意。由於我認識作者本人,也許我的詮釋會跟其他讀者有點不同也說不定。想了解作者其人其事,建議先看看他之前的《二○○六年十二月病史 (上)》和《關於遊樂場的一件舊事》。
這幾篇文,坦白說,我是看得不寒而慄,尤其是本篇,用清和明麗如詩如夢的風景(再加一點點色情畫面)烘托冷酷異境的黑暗,簡直令我想起David Lynch的詭異電影。但我之所以不寒而慄,是因為我很清楚這不是電影,不是故事,而是活生生的夢魘。這是一種「形而上的抑鬱」,他自己稱為「時空焦慮症」(他媽的,我怎會認識這種人?),即使跳樓都無得醫。Cliff,其實「虛無的創造力」,由Zeke解釋可能會更有深度,你也可以自己先意會一下,不太難吧?我星期四才有空把上月中和掬香齋主人的對話寫出來,到時我會解釋一切。
Actually I am quite surprised when I learnt 掬香齋主人 is suffered from depressive illness, so he claims, because I do not see there is anything in his life that would cause him depress. Please trust me, nobody in this blog knows more about depressive illness than I do (I have been suffereing from depressive illness and been visiting psychiatrist since NOvember 2003). If you take it scientifically, it requires some outer factors, i.e. matters from our more than complicated life that would cause you feel depressed, to trigger off the latent defects of your brian nerves and cells. Personally I find it next to impossible for men like 掬香齋主人 and a Mr T, who are leading an aimless life with a happy family where would not bring them any anxieties and worries at all, nor do they have to worry about monies and future career prospect, would become victims of depressive illness. I do not mean to be offensive, but if they are really diagnosed of having depressive illness, I believe over half of the world population are suffering from more severe depressive illness or mental disorder than they do. Yet they are claiming themselves to have depressive illness.
As a friend, my adivce to 掬香齋主人 is either you go to seek medical assistance or go and pick a religious belief that may suit you (I strongly recommend buddhism though I am a Catholic). By religion, I think it will help you to modify your way of thinking and divert your distorted belief to something worth believing. MOre important, religion, instead of philosophy, is the only way to help you to find out the true meaning of life.
但很有電影【蒙太奇】感,純對拍攝出來是有David Lynch的風格,亦令人想起 大衛咸美頓的那套 少女情懷總是詩,那種【光】線,令一切都像時間停頓的光影......
"And so in every way they would believe that the shadows of the objects we mentioned were the whole truth. "
"Yes, inevitably."
"Then think what would naturally happen to them if they were released from their bonds and cured of their delusions. Suppose one of them were let loose, and suddenly compelled to standup and turn his head and look and walk towards the fire; all these actions would be painful and he would be too dazzled to see properly the objects of which he used to see the shadows. What do you think he would say if he was told that what he used to see was so much empty nonsense and that he was now nearer reality and seeing more correctly, because he was turned towards objects that were more real, and if on top of that he were compelle to say what each of the passing objects was when it was pointed out to him? Don't you think he would be at a loss, and think that what he used to see was far truer than the objects now being pointed out to him?"
"Yes, far truer."
"And if he were made to look directly at the light of the fire, it would hurt his eyes and he would turn back and retreat to the things which he could see properly, which he would think clearer than the things being shown him."
- part 7, the philosopher ruler, the republic, Plato.